jdbgmgr.exe (5.0.3810.0)
소프트웨어안에 포함하는 |
이름: | Windows XP Home Edition, Deutsch |
면허: | 상업 |
정보 연결: | http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/ |
파일 세부사항 |
파일 경로: | C:\WINDOWS\system32 \ jdbgmgr.exe |
파일 날짜: | 2003-02-28 17:26:30 |
버전: | 5.0.3810.0 |
파일 사이즈: | 15.120 바이트 |
검사함과 파일은 잘게 썬다 |
CRC32: | 65031A97 |
MD5: | A091 EE93 B655 9891 6133 5D03 3350 B048 |
SHA1: | FC52 A79C 7ABB 1BD4 118B 9C77 C8B6 075A EECF 797A |
버전 자원 정보 |
회사명: | Microsoft Corporation |
파일 설명: | Microsoft® Debugger Registrar for Java |
파일 운영 체계: | Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 |
파일 유형: | Application |
파일 버전: | 5.0.3810.0 |
내부 이름: | JDbgMgr |
법적인 저작권: | Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1996-2000 |
원래 파일 이름: | JDBGMGR.EXE |
제품 이름: | Microsoft(R) Windows (R) Operating System |
제품 버전: | 5.0.3810.0 |
jdbgmgr.exe은 뒤에 오는 보고안에 발견되었다:
Jdbgmgr.exe file hoax |
Privacy Policy Jdbgmgr.exe file hoax에 관하여 Reported on:... 기술적 세부사항 ...Windows file from your computer. Jdbgmgr.exe is the file to which the hoax refers, and it is the Microsoft Debugger Registrar... ...for Java. The Jdbgmgr.exe file may be installed when you install Windows.... ...threat, the W32.bugbear@mm worm. The Jdbgmgr.exe file mentioned in the hoax has a bear icon.... ...Other versions of this hoax have slightly different ways in which they refer to the Jdbgmgr.exe file, usually in the subject of the email message.... ...Recent The Windows Jdbgmgr.exe file has a teddy bear icon in the hoax, as illustrated below:... ...CAUTION: A virus can infect Jdbgmgr.exe. The W32.Efortune.31384@mm... ...If you have already deleted the Jdbgmgr.exe file, in most cases, you do not need to re-install it.... ...Microsoft Debugger Registrar for Java (Jdbgmgr.exe) Is Not a Virus (Q322993)."... ..."The Microsoft Debugger Registrar for Java (Jdbgmgr.exe) is only used by Microsoft Visual J++ 1.1 developers.... ...Microsoft Debugger Registrar for Java (Jdbgmgr.exe) Is Not a Virus (Q322993)."... ...The name of this virus is jdbgmgr.exe and it is sent automatically by the Messenger and by the address book too.... ...2.- In the "Files or Folders option" write the name jdbgmgr.exe 3.- Be sure that you are searching... ...5.- If the virus is there (it has a little bear-like icon with the name of jdbgmgr.exe DO NOT OPEN IT FOR ANY REASON... ...you have an Apple or MAC. The virus (called jdbgmgr.exe) is not detected by Norton or McAfee anti-virus systems.... ...Folder option, type the name: jdbgmgr.exe 3. Be sure you search your... ...5. The Virus has a Teddy Bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe DO NOT OPENIT 6. Go to Edit (on menu bar),... ...eradicated the virus easily. The virus (called jdbgmgr.exe) is not detected by Norton or McAfee anti-virus... ...file/folders option, type the name: jdbgmgr.exe 3. Be sure to search your... ...5. The virus has a teddy bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe. DO NOT OPEN IT... ...2. In the folder option, type the name... jdbgmgr.exe 3. Be sure to search your... ...5. The virus has a teddy bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe Do not open it! 6. Go to Edit (on the menu... ...email vsem adresam v souboru. Virus nazyvany "jdbgmgr.exe" nenalezne Norton ani McAfee... ...2: V souborech a slozkach napiste jmeno viru - jdbgmgr.exe 3: Ujistete se, ze budete... ...5: Virus ma ikonu medvidka se jmenem jdbgmgr.exe NEOTEVIREJTE HO!!!!! 6: Hned kliknete a smazte... ..."filer eller mapper". 2. Sg efter filen jdbgmgr.exe 3. Kontroller at du er p?C:drevet... ...2 In het "Naam:" venster schrijft u: "jdbgmgr.exe" 3 In het "Zoeken in:"... ...beertje als icoon voor de naam "jdbgmgr.exe" - OPEN DIT NIET !!!!!!... ...met onderstaande handeling. Het Teddybeer virus (jdbgmgr.exe) is op mijn computer gekomen.... ...eenvoudig kunnen verwijderen. Het virus (genaamd jdbgmgr.exe) wordt niet gevonden door Norton Antivirus of McAfee antivirus scanners.... ...Kies voor file/folders en/of mappen/bestanden en geef de naam van het virus in = jdbgmgr.exe Zorg ervoor dat je zeker de... ...Het Virus heeft een icoon van een Teddybeer met de naam jdbgmgr.exe. Open het niet!!!!!!... ...Ga nu naar de Prullenbak/Recycle Bin en Verwijder/Delete het virus jdbgmgr daar ook. Men kan ook de Prullenbak... ...FAITES CE QU'IL Y A D'ECRIT EN DESSOUS ET TOUT SE PASSERA BIEN LE NOM DU VIRUS EST jdbgmgr.exe L'ICONE EST UN PETIT OURSON.IL EST TRANSMIS AUTOMATIQUEMENT PAR LE CARNET D'ADRESSES.... ...FICHIERS-DOSSIERS taper le nom du virus: jdbgmgr.exe 3. Assurez vous de faire la... ...5. Si vous trouvez le virus L'ICONE EST UN PETIT OURSON son nom "jdbgmgr.exe " ---> NE L'OUVREZ SURTOUT PAS!!!!!... ...Wir sind informiert worden, dass unser Computer von dem Virus jdbgmgr.exe infiziert worden ist, der sich per e-mail automatisch ausbreitet, da er sich... ...UND SUCHEN SIE DIE DATEI: JDBGMGR.EXE VERGEWISSERN SIE SICH, DASS... ...DESCRITTA PER ELIMINARE IL VIRUS. Il virus si chiama jdbgmgr.exe e si trasmette automaticamente tramite Messenger ed anche attraverso la rubrica... ...del virus: jdbgmgr.exe 3) Assicurarsi che cerchi... ...indirizzo ?nel mio indirizziario. Il virus si chiama jdbgmgr.exe ed esso non viene individuato dai programmi antivirus Norton o McAfee.... ...2. scrivere il nome del file jdbgmgr 3. Accertatevi di cercare... ...5. Il virus ha come icona un orsetto Teddy bear con il nome jdbgmgr.exe. NON APRIRE ASSOLUTAMENTE IL... ...twojej skrzynki adresowej. Wirus nazywa sie jdbgmgr.exe i nie jest wykrywalny/niszczony przez Norton,Mc Afee, F-secure ani VET ( systemy... ...2.W opcji "plilki/foldery" wpisz nazwe jdbgmgr.exe 3. upewnij sie ze przeszukujesz... ...5.wirus ma ikonke niedzwiadka i nazwe jdbgmgr.exe NIE OTWIERAJ GO !!!! 6.idz do"edycja "... ..."Pastas e arquivos" - escrever o nome do arquivo "virtico": jdbgmgr.exe; 3) assegure-se de que est?procurando... ...-BUSCAR EN EL ARCHIVO O CARPETA jdbgmgr.exe ASEGURARSE QUE SE BUSCA... ...Sk - Filer eller mappar. 2. Sk efter filen jdbgmgr.exe p?C: hrddisken. 3. Filen har en liten bjrn... 근원: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/jdbgmgr.exe.file.hoax.html |
W32.Recory@mm |
기술적 세부사항 ...%windir%Winboot32.com %windir%Jdbgmgr.exe %windir%Compile32.pif... ...%system%Autoexec32.bat %system%Jdbgmgr.exe %system%Memory.com... ...%system%RecoveryWorm32.scr %tempdir%Jdbgmgr.exe FixTool.exe... ...Then once the search application starts, type "Jdbgmgr.exe" If you have found this file,... 근원: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.recory@mm.html |
W32.HLLW.Dormin.A@mm |
위협 평가 ...Deletes files: Overwrites Jdbgmgr.exe Distribution... 기술적 세부사항 ...%System%FlashMovie.exe %System%Jdbgmgr.exe %mIRC%FlashMovie.ex_... 근원: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.hllw.dormin.a@mm.html |
Backdoor.Omed.B |
제거 지시 ...body of this email message contains a slightly modified version of the Symantec Jdbgmgr.exe hoax write-up. As the email message is being... 근원: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/backdoor.omed.b.html |
Trojan.Poldo |
Jdbgmgr.exe file hoax에 관하여 ...It also attempts to take advantage of the Jdbgmgr file hoax. It will attempt to terminate... 기술적 세부사항 ...Jdbgmrg.exe (This file name is very similar to Jdbgmgr.exe) NOTE: %system% is a variable.... 근원: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/trojan.poldo.html |
W32.Efortune.31384@mm |
기술적 세부사항 ...Then, the virus attempts to copy %System%Mmsys32.exe to %System%Jdbgmgr.exe and infect it. If Mmsys32.exe does not exist,... 근원: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.efortune.31384@mm.html |
VBS.Slip@mm |
기술적 세부사항 ...C:WindowsSystemOnline.exe C:WindowsSystemJdbgmgr.exe C:WindowsSystemPower.exe... 근원: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/vbs.slip@mm.html |
W32.Naco@mm |
기술적 세부사항 ...Q544512.exe jdbgmgr.exe WindowsXP PowerToys.exe... 근원: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.naco@mm.html |
W32.Naco.C@mm |
기술적 세부사항 ...Hide Your Mount.exe Patch - jdbgmgr.exe NEW POWERTOY FOR WINXP.exe... ...... 근원: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.naco.c@mm.html |